
Showing posts from November, 2018

Arts Bridge Visit #3

I love visiting Mrs. Gile's class!! They get so excited when I walk into the room and I just love how engaged and enthusiastic 1st graders are! Every time I ask a question everyone raises their hand (even if they don't actually know the answer haha) and everyone wants to volunteer and participate! I love this class and age group!! For this lesson we explored how to portray different characters while reading and working creatively with the book Big Pumpkin by  Erica Silverman. To start out, I asked the kids what holiday is coming up at the end of the month. Then I asked several of the kids what characters they are going to dress up as for Halloween. When they responded I had them show me what this character looks like, sounds like, what kind of clothes they wear, etc. Then I started reading the book Big Pumpkin. When each character was introduced I asked the kids to show me a frozen picture of what that character (witch, ghost, vampire, and mummy as the story goes o...