
Arts Bridge Visit #6 - November 30th

For my sixth visit, I started the first lesson of my 3 day lesson arc on puppets!!  To introduce the kids to puppets, I made my own puppet named Miss Veronica Silverman. I did a somewhat of teacher-in-role activity where I talked to the kids as Miss Veronica and gave them the opportunity to ask her any questions they want about her life. We then talked about Characters and all of the important aspects that make up a character - their name, their personality, their name, what they look like, how they talk, etc. I told them that they would be making their very own characters through sock puppets that day and told them to focus on creating their characters with all of those specific elements. We then spent the rest of class making puppets! For the next two lessons I will teach them about how to use a puppet and have them put into partners to practice a holiday song using their sock puppets. The final lesson will be a holiday puppet show where everyone will have a...

Arts Bridge Visit #5 - November 9th

For my fifth visit I did a lesson on imagination and poetry using the poem "Bear in There" by Shel Silverstein. Here is the lesson plan I used. Objective:  Students will be able to demonstrate an ability to use their imaginations by using bodies and voices to portray a  polar   bear .  Warm-up: Ask students to pretend to be a  polar   bear Instructions: Find your own space in the room (again, we may or may not need to practice what this means), giving yourself elbow room and not moving out of your parameter. Practice moving about in your own space, but staying in it.  How do you walk, run, climb, etc.? Let’s start with a frozen image of your  polar   bear —and by the count of 10 it will come to life. While counting to 10, ask the following questions. What does your  polar   bear  look like? How big are you as a  polar   bear ? How different are you from yourself as a  polar   bear ? How fa...

Arts Bridge Visit #4 - October 26th

For my fourth visit, I did a lesson on pantomiming and personifying a character using the children's book Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus.  Here is the lesson plan I used. Objective : Students will be able to use body, face, gestures and movement to recreate the story in  Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus  by pantomiming the role of pigeon and giving pigeon advice from their own perspective. Warm-up: Sitting on the reading rug, ask students to practice using their faces to express a variety of emotions: ·         Happy ·         Sad ·         Scared ·         Worried Ask students to show a variety of faces for each emotion, and then ask when they might feel some of those emotions? Ask them to pay attention to when any of these emotions, or other emotions, appear in the book we are about to read together. Rea...

Arts Bridge Visit #3

I love visiting Mrs. Gile's class!! They get so excited when I walk into the room and I just love how engaged and enthusiastic 1st graders are! Every time I ask a question everyone raises their hand (even if they don't actually know the answer haha) and everyone wants to volunteer and participate! I love this class and age group!! For this lesson we explored how to portray different characters while reading and working creatively with the book Big Pumpkin by  Erica Silverman. To start out, I asked the kids what holiday is coming up at the end of the month. Then I asked several of the kids what characters they are going to dress up as for Halloween. When they responded I had them show me what this character looks like, sounds like, what kind of clothes they wear, etc. Then I started reading the book Big Pumpkin. When each character was introduced I asked the kids to show me a frozen picture of what that character (witch, ghost, vampire, and mummy as the story goes o...

Arts Bridge Visit #2

This week in school, the kids were learning about different types of weather and the four seasons. So I planned my drama lesson plan around integrating this subject material. First I started off by asking them what they know about the different types of weather. What types of weather happen during Fall? Winter? Spring? Summer? I also asked them what their favorite activities were in each of the four seasons. After talking about this for a little while, we started off by doing a little role play of waking up on a snowy morning. I had all of the kids pretend they were asleep and when the alarm went off, they all had to run to the window and check what the weather was. Since the weather (in the pretend activity) was snowy, I asked them what type of clothes we need to wear in the snow. We went through the actions of putting on our coats, mittens, boots, and scarves and then, once we were all bundled up, we were ready to “go outside”. We then orchestrated an imaginary snowball f...

Arts Bridge Visit #1

I wanted to use this first lesson to warm the children up to the idea of imagination and pretending through drama. So I decided to start my teaching off with an interactive reading activity and some drama games. First I started out by introducing myself to the kids and having them all gather and sit down on the carpet so I could read the book W here the Wild Things Are to them .  I incorporated a lot of voice and interactive parts to this book. There are several parts that talk about the Wild Thing's "terrible teeth" or "terrible claws", and I would ask the students to show me their most terrible teeth and most terrible claws and to roar their terrible roars so that the kids can feel that they are a part of the story. The kids REALLY embraced their wild sides and I got some pretty ferocious roars out of them. After the book we then transitioned into our first drama game: The name of the game is Yes, Lets! I started this game by having the children...

About Me

Hey there! My name is Carly Masters. I am 21 years old and I am a senior at Brigham Young University studying Theatre Arts Studies. I actually just got married this past June, so technically my name is now Carly Bohne, but I still haven't gotten around to changing my name! I was born and raised in Orange County, California, only about 10 minutes from Disneyland and 15 minutes from Newport Beach. I love music, hanging out with friends, movies, sweet treats, and traveling. I have always loved theatre, ever since I was a little girl. My mom put me in a musical theatre program when I was 8 years old and my love for the performing arts just multiplied from there. I had such an amazing experience in my youth theatre program growing up that when it was time for me to decide what I wanted to do with my life, I knew that I wanted to create that same experience for others by one day running a youth theatre company of my own. Because of that, I have tried to do all that I can to get exper...