Arts Bridge Visit #6 - November 30th

For my sixth visit, I started the first lesson of my 3 day lesson arc on puppets!! 
To introduce the kids to puppets, I made my own puppet named Miss Veronica Silverman. I did a somewhat of teacher-in-role activity where I talked to the kids as Miss Veronica and gave them the opportunity to ask her any questions they want about her life. We then talked about Characters and all of the important aspects that make up a character - their name, their personality, their name, what they look like, how they talk, etc.

I told them that they would be making their very own characters through sock puppets that day and told them to focus on creating their characters with all of those specific elements.

We then spent the rest of class making puppets!

For the next two lessons I will teach them about how to use a puppet and have them put into partners to practice a holiday song using their sock puppets. The final lesson will be a holiday puppet show where everyone will have a chance to perform with their sock puppet characters!


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